Mercedes Benz C300 Engine Reset / Adjustment With Vediamo
My mercedes w204 C300 needs an engine. I’m looking for leftovers for a used replacement and am thinking of getting a 3.5L upgrade.
1-Mercedes Benz C300 Engine Reset / Adjustment With Vediamo
Looking at this, there seems to be a selection for the engine type with Xentry. My car does not support DAS with the scanner I have, so I should do it at Vediamo.
2-Mercedes Benz C300 Engine Reset / Adjustment With Vediamo
I spoke to a local store who guaranteed it would work since it has already swapped 3.5s for c230 and c300. Apparently, I will just need to go in with my Xentry and do an engine reset / adjustment once the engine is running. There is no more return possible, I checked the engine today before removing it from the car and it is essentially brand new. Glk350 2012 which ended up in the rear with only 62,000 km, so I couldn’t let that go. It will be a nice upgrade from my 292,000 km 3L.
3-Mercedes Benz C300 Engine Reset / Adjustment With Vediamo
Let’s say that I was not too nice and that it was too much a red line. This is unfortunate because it did not burn any oil and it worked so well to have around 300k on it. I didn’t confirm exactly what’s wrong, but cylinder 4 has no compression, I guess the timing chain jumped a tooth at the red line. If you are going to push these motors, I recommend a minimum replacement of the timing chain tensioner at 250k and have the chain inspected.
Thank @ltwargssf
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